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Monday, March 11, 2019

80 Years Young and still going strong!

Dick celebrated his 80th Birthday this March!

As you can see from the list below, he his looking forward to a full year of performances.

If you are in the area please drop in, say Hi and share the fun.


29 March POW reunion 560FTS, Randolph AFB TX - Auger Inn

12 - 13 July, Patriotic Celebration, Forest Lakes AZ

25 September, F-105 Thud Reunion, Dayton OH

4 - 5 October, TLC Brotherhood Reunion, Las Vegas NV {Thailand-Laos-Cambodia Brotherhood}

We will be doing a lot of traveling this year and doing our best to criss-cross the country.

For more information about the performances contact the organization or Dick at .

"Dick's Gig Schedule" is also at his website .

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